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A Church on the Move

Julie Liggett

We declare we are a church on the move. We are moving forward, looking up and out.

We declare we will be driven by compassion and love. We will live, breath, speak the Father heart of God. Our identity will be in that we are sons and daughters of God.

We declare we are not an outdated, out of touch institution but we are the very hope of the nations. We will be confident in our relevance to the world and hold fast to the very character of God — love, forgiveness, acceptance, grace, mercy, generosity, compassionate, simplicity, unchanging but ever ready.

We declare we are a people who believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and we are ready to write our own New Testament about the works of the spirit in and through us.

We declare we will tell of the sick made well, of the addict freed, of the lost found, the broken restored, the homeless rehomed. We will see the downtrodden, the depressed, the broken hearted singing and weeping with joy in our midst — And we will weep with them because we are family, we are one and their story is our story.

Rise, let us go from here.

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