Prayer forms an essential ingredient in our church life. All our prayer times and resources are here. Also, if we can pray for you just send us a message (below), or get in touch.
Prayer Request
Prayer times
Early Morning Prayer
Date: Location: Online
First thing every Wednesday we pray together online.
Lead by Prayer
Date: Location: The Hub & Online
Leaders seek outside help through prayer. Reading Philippians and praying together.
Saturday Prayer
Date: Location: Prayer Room
Choose one of 12 hour-long slots to spend time praying and seeking God in our Prayer Room.
Worship Evening
Date: Location: The Hub
A evening of reflection, worship and prayer.
Fast and Pray
Hour of Prayer
Is it possible to pray effectively for one hour? This guide helps you do that.
Prayer Walk
Your guide as you pray and walk in around your community.
Lectio Divina
A guide to reading a verse, passage or chapter with the Lectio Divina method.
St. Patrick’s Breastplate Prayer
An Old Irish prayer of protection attributed to St Patrick.
The Examen
From The Spiritual Exercises, by St. Ignatius
A Prayer of Confession
Adapted from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.
Prayer in the new season
During the first week in September 2024, we are taking time to focus on our community and church family.
Walk and Pray
From Evangelical Alliance • How to pray into your community.
Prayers for Foster Carers
This is Foster Carer Fortnight, so this is where we are focusing this week's prayers.
Prayers for Local Churches
Prayers for the leadership and the mission of local congregations.
Prayers for Vulnerable People
How we can pray for those most affected.
Prayers for People Who Help People
Counsellors, support workers, food banks and more…
Prayers for Business
Companies, big and small, are facing uncertain times.
Prayers for Education
Prayer requests from local teachers.
A Prayer for Richhill
A blessing over our village.
Our heads and our hearts
Prayer focus on our mental and spiritual health in these days.
GCC NHS Prayers
Requests, prayers and thoughts from our own health and care workers.
Ways to retreat
Some ideas and suggestions for retreat, drawing inspiration from a number of traditions.
The Examen
From The Spiritual Exercises, by St. Ignatius
A Prayer of Confession
Adapted from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.
Prayer in the new season
During the first week in September 2024, we are taking time to focus on our community and church family.
A Life of Prayer
Lucy Hill • How many times do I ignore something because it doesn’t meet my standard?
The Value of Prayer
Neville Garland • Prayer: Like a gemologist values diamonds, there is value to be found in prayer.
Walk and Pray
From Evangelical Alliance • How to pray into your community.
Prayers for Foster Carers
This is Foster Carer Fortnight, so this is where we are focusing this week's prayers.
Prayers for Local Churches
Prayers for the leadership and the mission of local congregations.
Prayers for Vulnerable People
How we can pray for those most affected.
Prayers for People Who Help People
Counsellors, support workers, food banks and more…
Prayer Colours
Your kids can enjoy a Day of Prayer too!
Prayer Room
Location: 6 Main Street, BT61 9PW
A space for quiet reflection.
Prayer Course
Be Still
Brian HEASLEY • A Simple Guide to Quiet Times
How to Hear God
Pete GREIG • A Simple Guide for Normal People
Lead with Prayer
VARIOUS • The Spiritual Habits of World-Changing Leaders
Letters By A Modern Mystic
Frank C. LAUBACH • Excerpts From Letters Written At Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Philippine Islands
One-Sentence Prayers
Practice the presence of God on busy days.
Prayer Map
A customizable tool to create your own "Rule of Life".
The Book of Common Prayer
The Church of England
The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence
James W. GOLL • The presence of God is meant to be more than just an occasional event
The Prayers of Many
Mike BETTS • Many people, many places, one voice