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Is He Worthy / Cornerstone

In our new series, members of our church family share their favourite songs. This week it’s the turn of William and Neil.

Is He Worthy?Link to this section

In Revelation Chapter 5, John has a vision of a scroll that is sealed and hidden from humanity. This scroll, representing the fullness of God’s plan and knowledge, is inaccessible and causes John great distress because no one seems worthy to open it and reveal its contents. The sealed scroll signifies a profound mystery and the unfolding of divine will that remains out of reach.

However, John’s anguish is alleviated when he realizes that Jesus is the one worthy to open the scroll. Described as the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb who was slain, Jesus alone possesses the authority and worthiness to break the seals and unveil the scroll. This revelation brings John immense comfort, as it underscores Jesus’s unique role in divine redemption and the fulfillment of God’s plan, assuring John and all believers of the ultimate sovereignty and goodness of Christ.

Is He Worthy performed by Shane and Shane.

CornerstoneLink to this section

David started as a mere shepherd boy but rose to become a cornerstone, a foundational figure in biblical history. Similarly, Jesus, initially perceived as insignificant, emerged as the chief cornerstone, essential for the faith and life of believers. The crucial question posed is whether Jesus is our cornerstone. If He isn’t, our lives lack a stable foundation, and we risk building on uncertain ground.

We’re all metaphorically under construction,” often focusing on building a life of achievement, security, or success. However, the foundation, like Jesus as the cornerstone, is meant to support the entire structure, not just a single aspect of our lives. We can’t compartmentalize our reliance on Him; He must be the foundation for all areas of life. Despite inevitable storms, recognizing Jesus as Lord of all provides stability and hope. The song Cornerstone encapsulates this message, emphasizing the hope found in making Jesus the foundation of our lives.

Cornerstone performed at Hillsong.

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  • Song

    Is He Worthy

    Verse 1

    Do you feel the world is broken
    We do
    Do you feel the shadows deepen
    We do
    But do you know that all the dark
    Won’t stop the light from getting through
    We do
    Do you wish that you could see it all made new
    We do

    Verse 2

    Is all creation groaning
    It is
    Is a new creation coming
    It is
    Is the glory of the Lord
    To be the light within our midst
    It is
    Is it good that we remind ourselves of this
    It is

    Chorus 1

    Is anyone worthy
    Is anyone whole
    Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll
    The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
    He is David’s Root
    And the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
    Is He worthy
    Is He worthy
    Of all blessing and honor and glory
    Is He worthy of this
    He is

    Verse 3

    Does the Father truly love us
    He does
    Does the Spirit move among us
    He does
    And does Jesus our Messiah
    Hold forever those He loves
    He does
    Does our God intend to dwell again with us
    He does

    Chorus 2

    Is anyone worthy
    Is anyone whole
    Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll
    The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
    He is David’s Root
    And the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
    From ev’ry people and tribe every nation and tongue
    He has made us a kingdom and priests
    To God to reign with the Son
    Is He worthy
    Is He worthy
    Of all blessing and honor and glory
    Is He worthy
    Is He worthy
    Is He worthy of this
    He is


    Is He worthy
    Is He worthy
    He is
    He is

  • Song


    Verse 1

    My hope is built on nothing less
    Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame
    But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name


    Christ alone cornerstone
    Weak made strong in the Saviour’s love
    Through the storm He is Lord
    Lord of all

    Verse 2

    When darkness seems to hide His face
    I rest on His unchanging grace
    In every high and stormy gale
    My anchor holds within the veil
    My anchor holds within the veil


    He is Lord Lord of all

    Verse 3

    When He shall come with trumpet sound
    Oh may I then in Him be found
    Dressed in His righteousness alone
    Faultless stand before the throne