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Praise You In This Storm

In this series, members of our church family share their favourite songs. This week Andrew and Jaci share the songs they have on repeat”.

Praise You In This StormLink to this section

Andrew’s favorite song, Praise You in this Storm by Casting Crowns, holds a significant emotional connection for him. Known for his love of musicals and emotionally powerful music, Andrew finds that certain songs resonate deeply, providing solace and strength during challenging times.

This particular song stands out as an anthem for him, reflecting a particularly difficult period in his life. It serves as a battle cry, empowering him and instilling a sense of gratitude. Andrew believes that music has different roles depending on the time and season, and Praise You in this Storm is a poignant reminder of resilience and faith during tough moments.

Praise You In This Storm performed by Casting Crowns

Glory Honor PowerLink to this section

Jaci’s chosen song, Glory Honor Power,” reflects her complex and evolving relationship with God. Despite the ups and downs in her faith journey, she recognizes God’s unwavering consistency. During challenging times when prayer has been difficult, music has become her form of prayer, offering solace and connection.

Psalm 22:1 – 4 resonates with her, emphasizing that even when God’s presence isn’t felt, His goodness remains. This song embodies her trust in God’s enduring faithfulness and serves as a reminder of His perpetual goodness.

Glory Honor Power performed by Influence Music, Melody Noel & Matt Gilman. Love at Influence Church

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  • Song

    Praise You In This Storm

    Verse 1

    I was sure by now
    God You would have reached down
    And wiped our tears away
    Stepped in and saved the day
    But once again I’ll say amen
    And it’s still rainin’


    As the thunder rolls
    I barely hear You whisper
    Through the rain
    I’m with You
    And as Your mercy falls
    I’ll raise my hands
    And praise the God who gives
    And takes away


    And I’ll praise You in this storm
    And I will lift my hands
    For You are who You are
    No matter where I am
    And ev’ry tear I’ve cried
    You hold in Your hand
    You never left my side
    And though my heart is torn
    I will praise You in this storm

    Verse 2

    I remember when
    I stumbled in the wind
    You heard my cry to You
    And raised me up again
    But my strength is almost gone
    How can I carry on
    If I can’t find You


    I lift my eyes unto the hills
    Where does my help come from
    My help comes from the Lord
    The Maker of heaven and earth

  • Song

    Glory Honor Power

    Verse 1

    Most worthy worthy of praise
    Exalted above all things my God
    You are my God

    Verse 2

    Your splendor and majesty
    Your wonder fills everything my God
    You are my God


    Holy is the Lord
    Holy is the Lord Almighty
    Seated on the throne
    Seated on the throne of Glory
    High and lifted up
    Your presence fills the temple when we worship You
    Oh we worship You

    Verse 3

    Creation points to the King
    The heavens can’t help but sing to You
    To You our God


    Hallelujah to the one who came and made a way
    Hallelujah to the one who died and rose again
    Hallelujah to the only name above all names
    Glory and honor and power forever