Your gifts are designed to be used as a blessing to those around you.
The fire in Acts fell onto each person. Each individual blessed with a full gifting. And a spirit that can carry those gifts further and wider.
Each of us has been gifted something that has the potential to change the lives of those around us. Yes, it’s unusual to find the sacrificial giving of your talent, time and treasure easy, but it’s important that we do not diminish the work of the Spirit and that we endeavour to give our gifts to each one.
Named gifts in the New TestamentLink to this section
Romans 12
- Encouragement
- Giving
- Leadership
- Mercy
- Prophecy
- Service
- Teaching
1 Corinthians 12
- Administration
- Apostleship
- Discernment
- Faith
- Healing
- Helping
- Interpretation of Languages
- Knowledge
- Languages
- Miracles
- Prophecy
- Teaching
- Wisdom
Ephesians 4
- Apostleship
- Evangelism
- Pastoring
- Prophecy
- Teaching
1 Peter 4
- Serving
- Teaching