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Words Kill / Words Give Life

Neil Dawson
Neil DawsonLead Pastor

Understanding the impact of our speech and how aligning our words with God’s heart can transform our relationships and communities.

The importance of words and the power they carry is a central theme. Like a small rudder guiding a large ship, words can steer the direction of life, either towards destruction or freedom. Biblical teachings reinforce this idea, such as James comparing the tongue’s power to that of a rudder, and Jesus warning that using words to speak ill of others is as harmful as actions like murder.

Proverbs emphasizes this with the simple but powerful message: Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit.” The challenge is to recognize that the same way others’ words can deeply affect us, our own words have equal power over others. It calls for mindfulness in how we speak, knowing that our words can either harm or uplift.

Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit — you choose.”

Proverbs 18 (ESV)

Additionally, reflecting on the way Jesus spoke teaches the importance of adapting our words to meet people where they are, whether in conversations with close disciples, crowds, or even enemies. Jesus consistently used words rooted in love, aiming for the benefit of others. This way of speaking is intertwined with prayer — by spending time in prayer, listening to God as Jesus did, we learn how to speak to others with wisdom and compassion.

Prioritizing our relationship with God, grounding ourselves in His truth, prepares us for meaningful relationships with others, allowing us to respond with grace, even in difficult situations.

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