Sunday Mornings 2020: A Walkthrough
We’re planning to gather physically at the Hub, Richhill on Sunday 6th September.
Since we are still not clear of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve had to make a few adjustments. Please watch the video below, where the wonderful Amy will guide you through a few things we need you to adhere to as we navigate this challenging season.

We will be serving tea and coffee from 10.45 in a gazebo outside. It would help us if you bring your own cups. The main service will begin at 11 am and will last no more than one hour.

Remember, at all times, to maintain social distancing with people who are not in your household. In the main auditorium we’ve arranged the chairs into “family” groups, so please be patient as we guide you to your seats.

We will be operating a “one-way” system in the building. The front door to the bar is for going in only, whilst the double doors at the auditorium are the way out. If you need to access somewhere in the building please follow this system. There will be markers and signs to guide you. Please make use of the sanitation stations as much as possible.

Government guidelines recommend that we wear masks indoors. It is especially important that you wear masks at all times.
Just a few more thingsLink to this section
- There will be no formal Rock programme for your kids. However the Rock Tots area will be running films on the TV, so your little ones can enjoy that.
- If your older kids are getting restless during the service, you can take them to the Coffee Bar area. We will be streaming the service to the screen here so you won’t miss out.
Finally, we are excited to finally be able to meet together in-person. We understand it’s not ideal, but we are looking forward to making the most of the challenge we’re facing.
If you want any more information, or if you just want to talk to someone, please get in touch.