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Beautiful Rider



How beautiful is the Rider on the white horse
How beautiful is the Lamb that was slain
How beautiful is the Rider on the white horse
Worthy is Your name, worthy is Your name

Verse 1

Our only hope was wrapped in hay
Our Father’s promise to show the way
He lived to set the captive free
And died to live inside of me
He is Savior, He is Lord
Immanuel, the Living Word

Verse 2

There’s a man who’s wrapped in light
With eyes of fire burning bright
With feet like bronze and a blinding glow
A golden sash and hair like snow
He is King and He is Judge
He is mercy and He is love


You’re a Lion, You’re a Lamb
You’re a Lion, You’re a Lamb
You’re a Lion, You’re a Lamb
And all creation bows before

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