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GCC Brand


A guide to the Grace Community Church Visual Brand.

Simple” forms the basis of our values, and the visual brand aims to be a reflection of this. It’s made of a series of simple shapes, friendly colours and clear typography. Simplicity means it’s also more accessible. Our hope is our material – whether on a screen or in print – speaks with clarity and encourages engagement.

The GCC logo has two elements: a simple square at 45° (the Gem) and a Work Sans-based wordmark. These can live separately or together. The square forms the basis for all of our department logos, often adorned with a simple thick, rounded-stroke line-drawing. The square can appear filled or hollow (with a thick stroke).


Do not add effects to the logo.
Do not stretch or skew it.
Do allow space for the logo to breathe.

TypefacesLink to this section

The primary typeface for GCC is Work Sans.

Title: Work Sans Bold
Heading: Work Sans Semi Bold
Body: Work Sans Medium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Alternative body: Kopius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Work Sans (Designed by Wei Huang. From Google)
Kopius (Designed by Sibylle Hagmann. From Kontour)
Typescale used: Minor Third (1.200)

ColoursLink to this section

The colours chosen for the GCC Visual Brand and across departments are selected from the colour palette below. The primary accent colour for GCC is Aqua.

RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 0%
Pale Grey
RGB: 238, 235, 232
CMYK: 8%, 7%, 9%, 0%
Pantone: Warm Gray 1 C
RGB: 169, 162, 150
CMYK: 39%, 34%, 41%, 16%
Pantone: Black 0961 C
Mid Grey
RGB: 53, 50, 48
CMYK: 58%, 52%, 55%, 53%
Pantone: Black C
Dark Grey
RGB: 37, 35, 34
CMYK: 71%, 64%, 60%, 77%
Pantone: Neutral Black C
Deep Grey
RGB: 27, 26, 25
CMYK: 75%, 67%, 62%, 83%
Pantone: Neutral Black C
Light Mint
RGB: 190, 251, 226
CMYK: 29%, 0%, 21%, 0%
Pantone: 331 C
RGB: 129, 246, 207
CMYK: 45%, 0%, 32%, 0%
Pantone: 3375 C
RGB: 0, 187, 139
CMYK: 71%, 5%, 49%, 0%
Pantone: 7465 C
RGB: 2, 116, 98
CMYK: 86%, 31%, 55%, 20%
Pantone: 7718 C
Dark Forest
RGB: 17, 76, 67
CMYK: 88%, 45%, 58%, 55%
Pantone: 7722 C
Light Pink
RGB: 255, 214, 222
CMYK: 0%, 24%, 7%, 0%
Pantone: 705 C
RGB: 255, 161, 183
CMYK: 0%, 44%, 10%, 0%
Pantone: 182 C
RGB: 231, 65, 118
CMYK: 15%, 75%, 26%, 2%
Pantone: 205 C
RGB: 161, 3, 64
CMYK: 24%, 100%, 54%, 20%
Pantone: 1945 C
Dark Burgundy
RGB: 97, 16, 45
CMYK: 40%, 99%, 38%, 55%
Pantone: 7421 C
Light Lime
RGB: 214, 255, 168
CMYK: 20%, 0%, 46%, 0%
Pantone: 372 C
RGB: 171, 243, 47
CMYK: 33%, 0%, 72%, 0%
Pantone: 374 C
RGB: 129, 183, 0
CMYK: 54%, 15%, 92%, 1%
Pantone: 7737 C
RGB: 56, 105, 6
CMYK: 67%, 38%, 100%, 29%
Pantone: 371 C
Dark Olive
RGB: 36, 65, 16
CMYK: 71%, 51%, 98%, 57%
Pantone: 5743 C
Light Lilac
RGB: 242, 218, 255
CMYK: 8%, 18%, 0%, 0%
Pantone: 531 C
RGB: 227, 164, 253
CMYK: 21%, 38%, 0%, 0%
Pantone: 2562 C
RGB: 178, 57, 213
CMYK: 45%, 69%, 0%, 0%
Pantone: 7441 C
RGB: 117, 29, 143
CMYK: 68%, 97%, 19%, 8%
Pantone: 255 C
Dark Plum
RGB: 73, 24, 90
CMYK: 81%, 93%, 38%, 46%
Pantone: 519 C
Light Powder
RGB: 218, 235, 255
CMYK: 22%, 11%, 0%, 0%
Pantone: 657 C
RGB: 161, 203, 254
CMYK: 43%, 21%, 0%, 0%
Pantone: 7451 C
RGB: 73, 134, 231
CMYK: 69%, 44%, 0%, 0%
Pantone: 2718 C
RGB: 9, 65, 135
CMYK: 100%, 79%, 16%, 3%
Pantone: 7687 C
Dark Marine
RGB: 18, 45, 80
CMYK: 100%, 83%, 40%, 38%
Pantone: 648 C
Light Lemon
RGB: 255, 246, 174
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 41%, 0%
Pantone: 600 C
RGB: 249, 226, 16
CMYK: 6%, 11%, 87%, 0%
Pantone: 107 C
RGB: 242, 183, 3
CMYK: 11%, 29%, 93%, 2%
Pantone: 123 C
RGB: 199, 93, 0
CMYK: 22%, 66%, 100%, 12%
Pantone: 1385 C
Dark Orange
RGB: 117, 40, 19
CMYK: 33%, 89%, 95%, 45%
Pantone: 174 C


IllustrationLink to this section

Simplicity is key to the GCC visual identity. Illustrations are made up of bold shapes, brand colours and subtle textures.

GCC Village Aqua PosterGCC Thanksgiving Pattern Alt1 PosterGCC Scripture Genesis PosterGCC Hub Patterns Poster Alt1

We also use Adobe Firefly to quickly and easily generate images to use on the website and social media. You can start creating with the settings we recommend via this link.

Example Illustration Whale

A beautiful whale created using Adobe Firefly

Family brandsLink to this section

GCC is made up of different parts. We’ve given various departments, organisations, groups and themes a colour scheme and a unique Gem, and — sometimes — a custom typeface.

GCC Women brand elements:
Gem, Wordmark and Pattern.

GCC Men brand elements:
Gem, Wordmark and Pattern.

GCC Sub Brands

Prayer, Giving, Production and Kids sub brands with their gems and colours.

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