Into the Deep
Into the Deep
Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.
If you like the artwork, you can download them as phone wallpaper here. (Google Drive)

Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.
If you like the artwork, you can download them as phone wallpaper here. (Google Drive)
Neil Dawson • The start of a new series, where we take things a bit deeper
David McBride • How we can go deeper when we let God define who we are.
Neil Dawson • Going deeper with God isn't possible without going deeper in prayer.
Neville Garland • Going deeper with God isn't possible without going deeper in prayer.
Neil Dawson • If you're honest, you probably struggle to pray.
Stuart Argue • For God to mould and change us we need to position ourselves.
Neil Dawson • Let God search me and lead me to wholeness.
Neil Dawson • We're living in a place and in a time where God seems silence.
Neil Dawson • What does it mean to go after breakthrough?
Neil Dawson • What does it mean to go after breakthrough?
Neil Dawson • If the Bible doesn't trouble you, you're not reading it.
Neil Dawson • The power of the prayer walk
Have we settled for a comfortable, safe, lazy Christianity? • Neil Dawson
Neil Dawson • The Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit
Sermon Series
A series on the Old Testament book of Judges.
Sermon Series
Looking at areas of hardness in the Christian life which can lead to fruitlessness and ineffectiveness.
Sermon Series
A series for Advent 2019
Sermon Series
A Rebalancing. After 5 years we're revisiting our church values for the new decade.
Sermon Series
If we want to truly live for the Kingdom we need to heed the words of Jesus.
Special Series
What God has taught members of our Church Family during Lockdown.
Sermon Series
How Jesus uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Sermon series
A study in Paul's letter to the Ephesians.