A Kind of Love
Amy Anderson • Challenging the meaning of love
Amy Anderson • Challenging the meaning of love
Neil Dawson • We are in the business of reconciliation.
Neil Dawson • In a world of increasing judgement the church needs to communicate grace.
Stuart Argue • we ought to be part of the church because we are on a mission
Neil Dawson • The start of a series examining why the Church exists at all.
Sermon Series
Christ's only design for his people.
Neil Dawson • What would it look like if we lived questionable lives?
Jenna and Andrew share how the Church can exist in the "secular" world.
Neil Dawson • Holiness is not about how we're perceived, but who we're devoted to.
Neil Dawson • Challenging the "church shopping" culture.
Neville Garland
David McBride • Communion carries many traditions, but the importance lies in our posture.
Neville Garland