Ask, Seek, Knock
David McBride • It takes wisdom and humility to ask for help.
David McBride • It takes wisdom and humility to ask for help.
Neil Dawson • Judgement isolates people and puts them to shame
Neil Dawson • As we forgive others…
Neville Garland • Finding the endurance to run the race.
Neil Dawson • What changes do I need to make so I can finish well?
David McBride • The Good Samaritan
Neil Dawson • Have we lost our sense of wonder in God?
Neil Dawson • Do our doubts disqualify us from faith?
Neville Garland • Doing what you believe is truly right without knowing what the outcome truly is.
Ronnie Dawson • Three stories of faith and the Kingdom at work.
Amy Anderson • What if God is more interested in the journey rather than the end result?
Neville Garland • What will be our legacy?
Sermon series
Whoever says they abide in Jesus must walk as he did.
Neil Dawson • Jesus and the woman at the well
Neil Dawson • What is the Father trying to teach us in times of fear?