Reflections from our church family this Advent.
Follow the whole series here.
Through the tender mercy of our God with
Which the Dayspring from on high has visited us.
To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.
To guide our feet into the way of peace.
Sometimes, even as Christians, we tend to focus too much on the darkness of the world around us and become contaminated by it and overwhelmed. We need to remind ourselves afresh of the message of Advent. The Light has come!
When we change our focus from looking at what is happening around us to looking at Jesus who came to bring light into the darkest situations, together we can begin to change the story of so many who are searching for a way out and peace of mind.
Let us be people who bring His Light, and carry His peace, wherever we go and to whoever we meet in this season.
Lord Jesus we thank you that you are the Light of the World and that you came to bring peace on earth. We ask that you would help us to look to You in the midst of all the brokenness and pain around us and enable us to be the Light you have told us to be knowing that as the darkness gets darker the light shines brighter! We pray that people will encounter You through us and know the reason why You came.
In Jesus name,