Part of SIMPLE: values that define our church.
John Wimber famously preached ‘everyone gets to play!’
Part of SIMPLE: values that define our church.
John Wimber famously preached ‘everyone gets to play!’
We believe this wholeheartedly. When the Spirit was poured out at Pentecost, it empowered, men and women, young and old, slave and free. The extension of the Kingdom of God was and is going to come through followers of Jesus regardless of gender, age or class.
We believe those kingdom moments can happen at anytime, in any place, our schools, workplaces, social clubs or peer groups.
Like Jesus said, ‘Father is always working and we all get to be involved in his mission’.
Neil Dawson • Called out people for the welfare of a community
Javier Chaviel • What do we carry into the places we go?
Neil Dawson • When Paul describes love, the first attribute he lists is “patience”.
Neil Dawson • We cannot be the "salt of the earth" if we separate ourselves from the decay.
Neil Dawson • The way of peacemaking is incredibly costly.
Neil Dawson • The meek are the marginalised. It's not a thing you pursue.
From Evangelical Alliance • How to pray into your community.
Foster Care Fortnight
Home For Good • Written by foster carers
This is Foster Carer Fortnight, so this is where we are focusing this week's prayers.