Entries by The Editors (36)
A Rhythm for Lent
Join us for a weekly fast this Lenten season.
Ways to retreat
Some ideas and suggestions for retreat, drawing inspiration from a number of traditions.
Lectio Divina
A guide to reading a verse, passage or chapter with the Lectio Divina method.
Prayer in the new season
During the first week in September 2024, we are taking time to focus on our community and church family.
Listen back to Tobar Gathering 2023
Recordings of the sessions and seminars of the 2023 Tobar conference at Emmanuel Lurgan.
Care Day 2023
Celebration of children and young people with care experience. Friday 17 February.
Prayer Walk
Your guide as you pray and walk in around your community.
Prayers for Peace in Ukraine
On 2nd March 2022, World Vision hosted a prayer event for Ukraine. You can watch it again here.
The Way of Easter
Daily devotions from Palm Sunday to Easter Day
Wednesday Fast Initiative
Inspired by Jaci. Continuing to fast throughout Lent.
Prayers for Foster Carers
This is Foster Carer Fortnight, so this is where we are focusing this week's prayers.
Prayers for Local Churches
Prayers for the leadership and the mission of local congregations.