Reflections from our church family this Advent.
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His Plans Will Stand
The Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. The message was urgent, “get up” he said, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herold is going to look for the child in order to kill him. Joseph obeyed, he left in hurry without telling anyone.
Here we can see God’s plan working. The traumatic movement of Joseph and Mary with their new baby into Egypt. God tells them to go to a country where his son would be protected until the danger passed.
Through Jesus’s earthly life we see how God cares and protects his people.
Jesus was persecuted from the very beginning, but God protected him. He had a plan and purpose for his Son that could not be changed. Jesus endured the Cross for us all. He accomplished God’s plan.
As we seek to follow God faithfully, we must do so under the guidance of his word. God has a plan and purpose for our lives. These plans cannot be thwarted by anyone.
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Lord help us to rest in your protection and in the truth that no one can change the plans you have for us. Help us remain faithful to your word. We deeply depend on your grace, promises, and your faithfulness. We pray and ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, with thanks giving in our hearts.