A guide to reading a verse, passage or chapter with the Lectio Divina method.
Lectio Divina
PrepareLink to this section
Take a moment to quiet yourself, find a comfortable position, and become aware of God’s presence. Say a simple prayer, such as, “Come, Holy Spirit, come,” while taking a few deep breaths. Ask God to calm your body, mind, and heart.
ReadLink to this section
Read the passage slowly, aloud if possible. Focus on its overall meaning without overthinking or analysing. Let the words sink in and notice any phrases, images, or moments that stand out. Is there a character you relate to or a part that draws your attention?
MeditateLink to this section
Read the passage again, focusing on the word, phrase, or image that caught your attention. Imagine the scene or reflect on how it connects to your life. Consider what thoughts, feelings, or memories arise. Pay attention to any attraction or resistance and invite the Spirit to reveal how the passage speaks to your life today. Writing down reflections may help clarify your thoughts.
PrayLink to this section
Read the passage once more, letting it guide your prayer. Respond to God with praise, repentance, or requests for help or healing, as you feel led. Journaling your prayer can provide focus.
ContemplateLink to this section
Finally, rest in God’s presence. Stay open to anything the Spirit may stir in your heart. If your thoughts wander, gently redirect them to God. Simply be still, expecting nothing, and enjoy this moment of quiet connection with God. Rest in the knowledge that you are loved.