Lockdown is proving a challenge for businesses of all kinds. Thank you to local business people who kindly advised us how to pray for them.
If you have any requests, we would love to hear from you.
Prayers for Business

As a dairy farm, we are thankful for the tanker drivers who call every day to collect the milk. In parts of England, due to falling demand, farmers are pouring their milk down the drain as they don’t have enough drivers and also some companies have no demand especially as they supplied the hospitality industry. Such a waste of food. It is coming into silage time so we will be taking on contractors so we would pray for their health.
I work for Fane Valley and look after the food companies. One of them is White’s Speedicook. The staff have been fantastic coming into work every day, adapting to social distancing, and working extra hours to keep up with the demand. A prayer for them would be very appreciated.
Thanks for thinking of us. Farmers usually get a bad press, so it’s nice they are getting some recognition at the moment.
— Mark & Tracey Anderson, Fane Valley, White’s.

Could you please pray for the health & well being of our staff and that they know their significant contribution at this time.
Please also pray for continued support & recognition from the community for our staff in these difficult circumstances.
Finally, in terms of local business, please pray that we will come through these challenging times, as all family businesses are an integral part of a local community.
— Philip Woods, Supervalu Richhill & Fruitfield

All we ask is that God looks out for all our gym members and their families!
— John Purdy, The Lifting Room

Our first thought is that everyone involved in our business — from the staff to our suppliers & customers — keep safe and well at this time and that things can get back to some kind of normality. Then we can try and get back to work and start rebuilding our business back again. We hope that the orders can come back as they were before.
— Scott, C & G Embroidery & Print

I suppose people in business will be feeling anxious and maybe overwhelmed at the minute. The responsibility of paying staff and keeping suppliers paid, everyday costs and yet their businesses may be closed. There is a fear of loss of orders after lockdown and uncertain futures for all involved, including employees.
Pray that we will keep the faith, and know that God is in control. Let’s have faith and courage in these uncertain times and use this opportunity to contemplate what is truly important in our lives!
— Allen & Lynne Quinn, Merall Contracts Richhill
We pray that we can remember that God is in charge. For clarity when making decisions – and decisions made will be built on godly principles. We pray for moral conduct and integrity. Not to be pressurised or to cut corners. We also pray for opportunities to serve those living in our neighbouring communities.
We pray a blessing on our employees and their families and ask God to keep them physically safe and healthy.
We pray God will draw alongside those who are affected by our businesses: the owners, the staff, clients, suppliers and others.
— Mark and Emma Jennings
PrayersLink to this section
Heavenly Father we pray for all those who have lost their jobs, been placed on furlough or reduced hours and for all those in fear of losing their employment. We pray for those whose businesses and livelihoods are at risk at this unprecedented time. Give them your encouragement today, directly from your Spirit and also through friends and family. May your Church rise up to be people who support one another. We pray for you to strengthen them today. Build them up in heart and mind with hope and trust and remind them of Your goodness and faithfulness. Even in this time of fearfulness and uncertainty, we pray that by your Spirit you can awaken new dreams for their future. Lift the anxiety of the unexpected from their minds and give them rest for their souls we pray.
Pray by name for people you know who have lost jobs or are concerned about current employment
— From A Call to Pray Ireland
Ian MacCorkell, MacCorkell Legal and Commercial Ltd. For Evangelical Alliance