With every church building empty of its congregation, our local churches need our prayers.
Prayers for Local Churches
Thanks to the leaders of the churches that serve Richhill for pointing us in the direction of how we can pray. And, indeed, let’s pray for them as they lead in a whole new way.

Simply pray that the church will grow in love for God and others.
I could not ask nor do I ask any other thing myself for them.
— Nick McKnight, Richhill Methodist Church

Praise God for the way the congregation seem to be adapting to using online resources.
Praise God for unsaved family members watching the services with believing family members.
Praise God for well attended Zoom prayer meetings.
We pray for Christianity Explored by Zoom.
We pray that we are ready to share the gospel in season and out of season.
We pray that members will get opportunities to share the gospel.
— Alastair McNeeley, Richhill Presbyterian Church

We’ve been studying Philippians on Sundays and yesterday’s focus is a challenge: “what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” (Phil 1:12). Pray that we’ll be able to see God at work in this situation, and see the opportunities God is providing for us to share the gospel.
Pray for those who have been housebound, and those currently housebound, that they will know God’s presence with them
Pray for bereaved families, who have borne intense grief due to the current restrictions around funerals. Pray that they will know God’s comfort, and be reminded of the hope that we have through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.
Pray for all involved in leadership, especially our new Archbishop, John McDowell. Pray for wisdom as decisions are made, and faithfulness to the Scriptures in our living and our leading.
— Gary McMurray, St Matthew’s Parish Church, Richhill

Several of our folks doing the Evangelism Course with Crown Jesus on Monday nights. Pray it proves helpful & useful both now and to greater effect through them for the Kingdom after lock-down is over.
Chrysalis CCYM Children’s ministry ‑they’re trying to keep in touch with the kids as much as they can but with Children’s Camps cancelled, they want to try to maintain the spiritual growth of the kids as much as they can — vital esp. down South where very often it’s the only real spiritual input many of those kids have in the year.
Chris & Suzy Wilson. (Speaking this Sunday in our on-line service) That they would know God’s wisdom as they try to decide their return date for Gambella.
ELIM Leaders Summit on line — tomorrow night Gavin Calver speaking as you guys pray.
— Clive Wilson, Richhill Elim

Firstly , our church members are very thankful for the many blessings God has given to individuals and the Meeting. Many situations have been resolved in timely ways.
Thankful also for the beauty of creation all around which has often been referred to in ministry on Sunday morning.
We have a regular WhatsApp Sunday Meeting for Worship and this is very successful in maintaining ministry and encouragement to all who join and as with you, I’m sure it has shown us God is not contained in buildings!
Our participants in this have come from as far as Bolivia! The numbers almost trebled from normal Sunday worship! God is continuing to bless and uphold.
Pray for the older people who are isolated and we managed to get a system in place just before lockdown which has enabled practical support and prayerful support to be available, especially to those people. As a church we are continuing to seek God guidance in all these strange days and seek what God is saying to us as a body of believers.
We will pray for our community too and thanks again for the contact. May God bless you and keep you under His wings.
— Elaine, Friends Meeting House, Richhill
Also praying for our friends at St Patrick’s Church, Stonebridge.