A diverse church comes with a diverse approach to baptism. We examine a range of traditions.
A Deep Dive
Foundations: Baptism
Baptism can take many forms in our modern church today. Full-immersion, infant baptism, ‘sprinkling’ to name a few. While our opinion on these may differ, and we each may have our own preference, perhaps the mode or form of baptism is secondary to the declaration of faith that it stands for?
A nurturing community and church family appear to be essential in watering the seed that baptism represents in our lives. We are baptised into a community and, as we follow the example of Jesus in practising baptism, we continue to move further along on our journey as part of the family of God.
Infant baptism without church nurture is superstition that does more damage than good
Not even the most gifted thinkers know what they’re getting into when they’re baptised as an adult