Entries by Neville Garland (24)
They Prayed and Sang
In the dark of a prison, Paul and Silas started singing aloud, praising God.
Courage: Who Goes With You And Why
Guided by God, we can choose words that build up.
By Faith
Neville tells us why his chosen song means so much to him.
Good News for Those Who Have Been Silenced
Junia is one of many women forgotten by the church.
A Deep Dive
Neil Dawson • Baptism: We are baptised into community
The Value of Prayer
Neville Garland • Prayer: Like a gemologist values diamonds, there is value to be found in prayer.
Neville Garland • Jesus: How being “in him” is our strength.
Easter Sunday
The New Way of Jesus
Neville Garland • Three responses to Jesus and his ministry.
The Hillside and the Battlefield
Neville Garland • When we learn to live with God on the hillside, we see and act differently on the battlefield.
Stories of Courage
Neville Garland • Doing what you believe is truly right without knowing what the outcome truly is.
Hitting the Wall
Neville Garland • Finding the endurance to run the race.
Think, Act, Serve
Neville Garland • What will be our legacy?