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One Day, One Moment, Everything Changed

Four stories where faith and expectations are rewarded.

The paralysed man, as told in Luke 5, who was lowered from the roof. His friends hoped Jesus would be able to change his situation.

The woman, who was described in Luke 8 as being subject to bleeding for twelve years. Having been through so much suffering, shame and low self-worth, she just wanted to get close to Jesus.

In Mark 10, blind Bartimaeus spent his days on a roadside outside Jericho begging. When he heard Jesus, he cried out causing a commotion, but his faith healed him.

Finally, in Acts 3, Peter and John encounter a lame man, who sat outside a place of worship each day begging. Expecting money, Peter and John explained they had no coins. Instead they had something better. Life changing.

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