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Neil Dawson
Neil DawsonLead Pastor

Stewarding our time well

Sometimes, in order to move forward, we need to be able to carry our past well.

Writing a new chapter is not the same as starting a new book. What goes before shapes who we are today. However, we should never be defined by feelings such as shame.

Life is not linear. Instead, it’s more like a spirograph.

An early 80s version of a Spirograph set.

An early 80s version of a Spirograph set.

The crookedness of your unlikely life is not a failure. The wending paths aren’t mistakes. The looping route that looked like it was going nowhere was a switchback climbing a mountain. The jagged line that is your story tracks the path of God’s companionship and care. Who, indeed, can straighten what God has made crooked?”

How to Inhabit Time by James K. A. Smith
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