How do we care for the world and people we’ve been gifted?
Over the next few weeks we will look at how we can better steward our time, talent and treasure.
How do we care for the world and people we’ve been gifted?
Over the next few weeks we will look at how we can better steward our time, talent and treasure.
Neil Dawson • Stewarding our time well
Neil Dawson • Finding moments of extraordinary in the ordinary.
Neil Dawson • How we steward our money can have an impact on future generations.
Neil Dawson • Jesus compels us to be faithful with all we have.
Neil Dawson • "They gave themselves first to the Lord"
Neil Dawson • Why are there so many parables about money?
Amy Anderson • What has God given you that makes you unique?
Lila Gribben • We are unique, but that doesn't stop us comparing our talents to others.
Sermon Series
How the Beatitudes change how we love God, ourselves and our community
Special Series
A series of studies based on the material by David Fitch
Sermon Series
The Gospel compels us to connect with people on the other part of town.
Special Series
Looking back over the last four weeks together
Sermon Series
Building, edifying, growing: how a local church works.
Special Series
Inward, outward and corporate disciplines, based on the book by Richard Foster
Sermon Series
We're going back to basics
Sermon Series
The Gospel is wonderful and beautiful. It is good news for us, for our neighbours and our world.