The Pure in Heart
Purity is not about what we do. It’s not about the external. It’s also not without doing something about what you’re thinking and praying.
We have become too accustomed to compartmentalising our hearts.
We need to reconcile our inside with our outside. When our actions and our thinking are different we have a divided heart.
In the parable of the lost son (or the Running Father, as NT Wright likes to call it), the older son did what was “right” at the cost of living and loving. Both sons had heart issues that prevented them from seeing the heart of their father.
A reminder: The beatitudes are designed for community. Can we exercise purity of heart as a community? How can we encourage each other?
A few questionsLink to this section
"What mask do you wear? What's important about the way you present yourself to the world?"
Mark Scandrette