Village stories with Dr Alan Turtle
Past Memories, Future Dreams
If you live in Richhill you know Dr Alan Turtle. A stalwart of the village, and doctor in the Richhill Health Centre for 30 years, he hadn’t always lived there.
Now the chairman of the Richhill Village Improvement Committee, he brings us down memory lane but lends his wisdom and experience to the where we’re at today and what his hopes are for the future.
Watch some of the conversation.
There’s also chat about the infamous Richhill Castle gates (that are currently not in Richhill).
If you’re from Richhill and you’re keen on a new venture, the RHPT are always looking new members.
If you’re not from Richhill, hopefully Alan’s given you the appetite to look into opportunities to serve into your own community!

RIchhill Castle gates. Currently in Hillsborough