Keep up to date with what’s happening in the life of the church this Easter.
Coming up
Palm Sunday
Date: Location: The Hub & Online
In-Person & Online • A chance to praise God and hear from his word as church family. Everyone welcome!
Four Cups
Date: Location: The Hub
A special communion together to mark Good Friday.
Sunrise Breakfast
Date: Location: Fran and Jim's
Seeing in Resurrection Sunday as the sun rises.
Easter Sunday
Date: Location: The Hub & Online
In-Person & Online • Celebrating Easter Morning as church family. Everyone welcome!
Big Day Out
Date: Location: TBC
Heading out together for a picnic and lots of fun on Easter Monday. Weather dependent.
A guide to Easter Week
Easter Week
Palm Sunday
Jesus rides into the city in the style of a king.
Easter Week
Holy Monday
The cursing of the Fig Tree and exposing corruption in the Temple.
Easter Week
Holy Tuesday
Jesus becomes an enemy of the religious elite and delivers the Olivet Discourse
Easter Week
Spy Wednesday
Judas begins his scheme to betray Jesus.
Easter Week
Maundy Thursday
It's the night of the Last Supper.
Easter Week
Good Friday
The time for Jesus' execution has arrived.
Easter Week
Holy Saturday
Confusion and fear among the disciples.
Easter Week
Easter Sunday
The grave is empty. Could it be...?
Lent and fasting
A Rhythm for Lent
Join us for a weekly fast this Lenten season.
A practical way to focus our minds on the desires of God.