Our values as a church are contained in the acronym “SIMPLE”. In 2020, we are revisiting our values in a 6‑part series.
Lessons in this series
Neil Dawson • The scriptures can be used to make a point, or even condemn. But they always point to Jesus.
Neil Dawson • It turns out, according to Jesus, water is thicker than blood.
Neil Dawson • Our dream is that we take every opportunity to be a blessing to others
Everyone Everyday Everywhere
Neil Dawson • Called out people for the welfare of a community
Simple: A Rebalancing
A challenge to fast as we revisit our Church Values five years on.
The 2015 Series
Other Series
Sermon Series
The Benefit of Doubt
Could doubt be beneficial to our faith? Quite possibly.
Sermon Series
Book of Judges
A series on the Old Testament book of Judges.
Sermon Series
Jesus Is
Looking at aspects of the character of Jesus that may have passed us by.
Sermon Series
The King’s Speech
Exploring the Sermon on the Mount. How Jesus changed minds and hearts.
Sermon Series
Words Matter
What we say, no matter how brief, can have a lasting impact — for good or for ill.
Sermon Series
Red Letters
If we want to truly live for the Kingdom we need to heed the words of Jesus.
Special Series
Take Me Back
Rewind with a church family member as they share their story.
Sermon Series
How the Beatitudes change how we love God, ourselves and our community