Our values as a church are contained in the acronym “SIMPLE”. In 2020, we are revisiting our values in a 6‑part series.
Lessons in this series
Neil Dawson • The scriptures can be used to make a point, or even condemn. But they always point to Jesus.
Neil Dawson • It turns out, according to Jesus, water is thicker than blood.
Neil Dawson • Our dream is that we take every opportunity to be a blessing to others
Everyone Everyday Everywhere
Neil Dawson • Called out people for the welfare of a community
Simple: A Rebalancing
A challenge to fast as we revisit our Church Values five years on.
The 2015 Series
Other Series
Sermon Series
How do we care for the world and people we've been gifted?
Sermon Series
Beautiful Surrender
That moment when you fall into the arms of God, and allowing him to minister over you.
Special Series
Take Me Back
Rewind with a church family member as they share their story.
Sermon Series
Red Letters
If we want to truly live for the Kingdom we need to heed the words of Jesus.
Special Series
Soul Music
Songs that have found their way into our hearts. The tunes we keep coming back to.
Special Series
12 Spiritual Disciplines
Inward, outward and corporate disciplines, based on the book by Richard Foster
Sermon Series
Good News
The Gospel is wonderful and beautiful. It is good news for us, for our neighbours and our world.
Sermon Series
Church: Why Bother?
Christ's only design for his people.