A Quiet Hope
Advent Week 1: Mary's Song is one of deep faith in a God who sees her where she is.
Advent Week 1: Mary's Song is one of deep faith in a God who sees her where she is.
God's upside-down Kingdom was established in humility rather than earthly majesty.
Have we settled for a comfortable, safe, lazy Christianity? • Neil Dawson
Our anger at situations in our world often leads us to wish for retribution.
Jesus invites us to trust and depend on God like children, embracing all people as made in His image, without judgment or division.
Understanding the role of prayer in ushering in God's transformative work and responding to His call for bold faith.
Jesus flips the idea of blessing by highlighting the joy in depending on God, challenging the notion of self-sufficiency.
Stuart Argue • For God to mould and change us we need to position ourselves.
Advent 2019 Day 8
Advent is a reminder that waiting is a communal act.
Amy Anderson • A lesson from the Prodigal Son
Neil Dawson • A challenge to the meaning of the phrase, "Eternal Life"
Advent 2019 Day 7
Active waiting is waiting that pays attention.
Neil Dawson • Why are there so many parables about money?
Neil Dawson • Upon the Resurrection of Christ there were going to be a mix of responses.
Neil Dawson • As we forgive others…
Neil Dawson • We give him glory by laying our lives down