A New Freedom
Neil Dawson • We are in the business of reconciliation.
Neil Dawson • We are in the business of reconciliation.
Neil Dawson • When Paul describes love, the first attribute he lists is “patience”.
Neil Dawson • The Holy Spirit ministers alongside people. Why is this posture not reflected in our churches?
Neil Dawson • Marking a significant, yet misunderstood, event in our Christian calendar
Considering not just what we believe, but how we believe.
Neil Dawson • Love is not a skill that's learnt.
Neil Dawson • The start of a series examining why the Church exists at all.
Neil Dawson • What would it look like if we lived questionable lives?
Lectio Divina
Neil Dawson • An introduction to our new series on Ephesians
David McBride • A church can have everything, and still forsake its first love.
Lila Gribben • Humility, gentleness and patience.
Neil Dawson • The Church, as Christ intended it, is both unified and diverse.
Neil Dawson • How five-fold ministry is essential to a functioning church.
Jaci Cauvel • We were created by God for good works
Neil Dawson • Holiness is not about how we're perceived, but who we're devoted to.