New! Jabez’s Secrets
Discover how a simple yet bold prayer can unlock extraordinary blessings and transform lives.
A Sanctuary for Exiles
Exploring Ezekiel’s vision, exile, and the promise of hope—where is God when all seems lost?
True Worship: Isaiah 58
Worship isn’t just ritual—it’s about gratitude, justice, and action, leading us to serve others and make a real difference.
The Watchman’s Challenge
Ezekiel is given a strange task by God in order to alert the people of impending judgement.
Judgement: Retribution or Restoration?
The prophecy of God's judgement in Ezekiel makes for difficult reading. But we must not ignore it.
They Prayed and Sang
In the dark of a prison, Paul and Silas started singing aloud, praising God.
The Story of George Müller
How unwavering faith transformed thousands of lives through prayer and trust in God’s provision.
The Story of Ezekiel
Finding hope in exile: A journey through Ezekiel’s prophetic vision.
When (Not If) You Fast
Discover the spiritual significance of fasting and its role in fostering a deeper connection with God.
Homero & Friends
A band of missionaries working all around the world visited us for a morning.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Jesus answered this by calling himself the Bread of Life. What could this mean?
Joy: The Shepherd’s Candle
Shepherds in the Bible were at the bottom rung of the societal ladder. But they were the first to see God incarnate.
Shalom in the Waiting
Peace inspires action, care, resilience and reconciliation.
A Prophecy of Hope
Hope is the place where God makes all things right.
The Story We Tell
The power of storytelling, trust in God's love and timing, and the importance of faith, community, and cherishing meaningful moments.
Courage: Who Goes With You And Why
Guided by God, we can choose words that build up.
Understanding Through Listening
Inspired by Peter and John, how can we see others through Jesus’ eyes?
Authentic Faith
Considering not just what we believe, but how we believe.
Seasoned with Compassion
Compassion is like the seasoning that brings our words to life, making them meaningful and full of impact.
Weighing Words
Words carry great power, and while we can't control what others say, we can choose how much weight to give their words and focus on what is true and uplifting.
Words Kill / Words Give Life
Understanding the impact of our speech and how aligning our words with God's heart can transform our relationships and communities.
Behold, A New Thing
Understanding the role of prayer in ushering in God's transformative work and responding to His call for bold faith.
Watching Our Words
We are called to speak with grace and care, recognizing the power of our words to either uplift or harm.
What happens when an ordinary life intersects with an extraordinary God?