Advent 2022 Week 4
Joy to the World
Neil Dawson • Whenever you read the Scriptures, everything changes in the light of Christ.
Advent 2022 Week 3
In Dulci Jubilo
Neil Dawson • The Gift of Waiting is that we quiet ourselves to hear what the Father is doing.
Advent 2022 Week 2
Do They Know It’s Christmas?
Neil Dawson • Isaiah's zoomorphic prophecies illustrate hope for a new reality.
Advent 2022 Week 1
War is Over (If You Want It)
Neil Dawson • It's not yet Christmas. We're in Advent. A time for waiting.
A Multi-Generational Church
Neil Dawson • All are invited to be part of Christ's household.
Rupture & Repair
Jaci • Neil • Confession is an essential ingredient in how broken relationships heal.
The Seventh Day
Neil Dawson • Sabbath is a reminder that regular rest is essential for our natural and spiritual wellbeing.
A Deep Dive
Neil Dawson • Baptism: We are baptised into community
El Mishpat
Neil Dawson • Justice: Do we mistake Justice as meaning everyone should be treated exactly the same?
The Third Person
Jaci Cauvel • Holy Spirit: We explore an oft-misunderstood Person of the Trinity.
Life Around the Table
David McBride • The Table: Would a good father stop me from eating at his table?
The Value of Prayer
Neville Garland • Prayer: Like a gemologist values diamonds, there is value to be found in prayer.
We Are The Church
Amy Anderson • The Church: Love is the identifying mark of the church, and as such, our lives should speak of that love – for God and one another.
Texts in Tension
Neil Dawson • The Bible: How do we wrestle with the a book written by men, inspired by God?
Neville Garland • Jesus: How being “in him” is our strength.
The Story We Tell
David McBride • What does the father speak over you?
Shoes of Peace
Amy Anderson • Why did Paul link shoes with the concept of peace?
Listen First
David McBride • The heart of the prophetic: hearing the voice of God.
Rest and Retreat
Lila Gribben • Even Jesus needed to retreat. Why don't we take it as seriously?
Ruler of This World
Neil Dawson • A battle. But not against flesh and blood.
Divine Disruption
Rick Hill • The unfolding story of God’s kingdom expanding across the world
Submission and Confession
Neil Dawson • How a Christ-like understanding of relationship turns cultural norms on its head.
Children of Light
Neil Dawson • Love is not a skill that's learnt.
Ascension. Not Evacuation
Neil Dawson • Marking a significant, yet misunderstood, event in our Christian calendar