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The Coming

Reflections from our church family this Advent.
Follow the whole series here.

The news of any event or an occasion on the horizon stirs many, many emotions. It can bring excitement or joy but also busyness, stress, apprehension and can easily cause us to lose site of what the occasion is all about. 

Jesus came that we could have many things but amidst that is Peace.

Unfortunately in today’s society in the lead up to the Celebration of His coming there are many things that want to steal that peace. The stress of having to have things, be at things, to give things and show what’s been received can easily overshadow one of the greatest truths of His coming! 

Psalm 131:2 reads -* I have quieted and calmed my soul*, like a weaned child with its mother. (What a beautiful picture of Peace)

My prayer as we live looking forward to celebrating His birth, we would have moments of experiencing His Peace (and be carriers of that!) as we take time to quiet our souls before Him like King David did!

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