Entries by Neil Dawson (208)
Words Kill / Words Give Life
Understanding the impact of our speech and how aligning our words with God's heart can transform our relationships and communities.
Behold, A New Thing
Understanding the role of prayer in ushering in God's transformative work and responding to His call for bold faith.
Watching Our Words
We are called to speak with grace and care, recognizing the power of our words to either uplift or harm.
Be Like Sunny
Jesus invites us to trust and depend on God like children, embracing all people as made in His image, without judgment or division.
Lessons from Yesterday
Unity, hope, and action in the pursuit of justice and equality, drawing lessons from the past to inspire a better future.
By Faith
Neville tells us why his chosen song means so much to him.
Is He Worthy / Cornerstone
William and Neil share songs they keep coming back to.
Silence into Singing
God shows quiet affection for his Creation before breaking into a song of delight over it.
Lord of the Waters
Faith and doubt are intertwined as Peter attempts to walk towards Jesus on the water.
Above All Else, Love
Pentecost reverses the events of Babel, bringing unity in diversity.
Tongues of Fire
The experience of God's presence as described at Pentecost is personal and universal.
God’s Glory: Endless Love
Jesus redefines "glory" as being about other-oriented love, rather than just about power.