Entries by Neil Dawson (205)
150 Songs, Five Books
A successful mixtape needs a well thought-out tracklist.
Gifts in the Community
David McBride, Neil Dawson • How can we encourage the use of gifts in our churches?
Poured Out for All
Neil Dawson • The Spirit shatters all man-made structures
Gifts of Clarity
Neil Dawson • Stewarding our gifts well, with a clear mind.
Gifts of Ascension
Neil Dawson • How five-fold ministry is essential to a functioning church.
The Common Good
Neil Dawson • Spiritual gifts are meant to be worked out together with our brothers and sisters.
Neil Dawson • Each person has a unique gift, but we rely on others to see them fully realised.
Neil Dawson • Your gifts are designed to be used as a blessing to those around you.
The Gardener
Neil Dawson • Jesus' resurrection makes beautiful things out of dirt.
First Fruits
Neil Dawson • Why are there so many parables about money?
Neil Dawson • "They gave themselves first to the Lord"
Neil Dawson • Jesus compels us to be faithful with all we have.