Poured Out for All
Neil Dawson • The Spirit shatters all man-made structures
Neil Dawson • The Spirit shatters all man-made structures
David McBride • Communion carries many traditions, but the importance lies in our posture.
Neil Dawson • Where you sit, know that you’re completely loved.
Amy Anderson • Fruitfulness is not about what we do but who we are and who He is.
Donna Jennings • How faith can help us see possibilities for ourselves, families and communities.
Neil Dawson • When we pose the darkest questions it can become the most profound acts of faith.
Neil Dawson • Have we lost our sense of wonder in God?
Neil Dawson • In our world of plenty, it’s easy to take all the good things we have for granted.
Neil Dawson • A battle. But not against flesh and blood.
Jaci • Neil • Confession is an essential ingredient in how broken relationships heal.
Neil Dawson • We cannot be the "salt of the earth" if we separate ourselves from the decay.
Neil Dawson • The scriptures can be used to make a point, or even condemn. But they always point to Jesus.
Compassion is like the seasoning that brings our words to life, making them meaningful and full of impact.
Lila Gribben • How is God calling you to reach others?
David McBride • Living and loving the way of Jesus
Neil Dawson • The opening to the letter to the Ephesians is dripping with wonder.