150 Songs, Five Books
A successful mixtape needs a well thought-out tracklist.
A successful mixtape needs a well thought-out tracklist.
Neil Dawson • William Guindi • The bond which ties us is greater than than the differences that divides us.
Palm Sunday
Neil Dawson • As Alexander the Great marched through Persia, Zechariah painted a picture of a very different king.
Hope is the place where God makes all things right.
Neil Dawson • Moses and the Burning Bush
The Aaronic Blessing reveals more about God's character than it seems at first.
Pentecost reverses the events of Babel, bringing unity in diversity.
Neil Dawson • "Cast all your cares upon the Lord"
Our anger at situations in our world often leads us to wish for retribution.
Understanding the role of prayer in ushering in God's transformative work and responding to His call for bold faith.
Amy Anderson • Significance in God's Kingdom has a different meaning than what society describes
Great mourning needs a great comforter.
Sermon Series
A series on the Old Testament book of Judges.
Sin is what undermines the goodness in relationship.
Neil Dawson • Sometimes God's call for his people is to stay put.
Neil Dawson & Homero Aziz • Even in the most hostile conditions there is growth