The Way of Secret Lives
Week 1. Thursday. Let no one deceive you with empty words
Light Comforts and Exposes
Week 1. Wednesday. Light has come into the world
Light has the Quality of Attraction
Week 1. Tuesday. Arise, shine, for your light has come.
The People Dwelling in Darkness
Week 1. Monday. He withdrew into Galilee
There is Light. There is Dark.
Week 1. Sunday. In the beginning was the Word.
Listen back to Tobar Gathering 2023
Recordings of the sessions and seminars of the 2023 Tobar conference at Emmanuel Lurgan.
Easter Week
Easter Sunday
The grave is empty. Could it be...?
Easter Week
Holy Saturday
Confusion and fear among the disciples.
Easter Week
Good Friday
The time for Jesus' execution has arrived.
Easter Week
Maundy Thursday
It's the night of the Last Supper.
Easter Week
Spy Wednesday
Judas begins his scheme to betray Jesus.
Easter Week
Holy Tuesday
Jesus becomes an enemy of the religious elite and delivers the Olivet Discourse
Easter Week
Holy Monday
The cursing of the Fig Tree and exposing corruption in the Temple.
Easter Week
Palm Sunday
Jesus rides into the city in the style of a king.
Entangled in the Past
Neil Dawson, David McBride • Our past is not what we leave behind, but what we carry.
One Story that Leads to Jesus
Designed to inspire and equip you to read through the entire Bible in one year.
The One Year Chronological Bible
365-Day Reading Plan
Reading the Bible Right
Brian Zahnd • "It’s a STORY We’re telling news here Keeping alive an ancient epic…"
Episode 4
Take Me Back: Jenna
On pursuing resilient faith, Jenna has discovered God wants us to use our creativity and imagination.
Episode 3
Take Me Back: William
Growing up in Egypt to raising a family in Ireland. William is still discovering newness in his journey of faith.
Prayer Walk
Your guide as you pray and walk in around your community.
Bible in One Year 2022
With Nicky Gumbel (Alpha)
Episode 2
Take Me Back: Puma
Sometimes it's good to rewind. Puma's story is about the people you surround yourself with.
There is freedom and victory to be found in wrestling with our experiences