Called Out, Called To
Stuart Argue • we ought to be part of the church because we are on a mission
Stuart Argue • we ought to be part of the church because we are on a mission
Matt Hogarty • In a divided society, we are called to bear peace
Neil Dawson • Judgement isolates people and puts them to shame
Neil Dawson & Homero Aziz • Even in the most hostile conditions there is growth
Neil Dawson • Love is not a skill that's learnt.
Neil Dawson • The start of a series examining why the Church exists at all.
Stuart Argue • For God to mould and change us we need to position ourselves.
Advent 2019 Day 8
Advent is a reminder that waiting is a communal act.
Advent 2019 Day 15
Overcoming the fear of missing out.
Jaci Cauvel • What can the events that lead to Thanksgiving teach us today?
Guided by God, we can choose words that build up.
Neil Dawson • Finding moments of extraordinary in the ordinary.
Amy Anderson • A lesson from the Prodigal Son
Neil Dawson • What would it look like if we lived questionable lives?
David McBride • It's time to dig ditches that God will fill with water.
Rick Hill • The unfolding story of God’s kingdom expanding across the world