Called Out, Called To
Stuart Argue • we ought to be part of the church because we are on a mission
Stuart Argue • we ought to be part of the church because we are on a mission
Matt Hogarty • In a divided society, we are called to bear peace
Neil Dawson • Judgement isolates people and puts them to shame
Stuart Argue • For God to mould and change us we need to position ourselves.
Advent 2019 Day 8
Advent is a reminder that waiting is a communal act.
Amy Anderson • A lesson from the Prodigal Son
Neil Dawson • It’s impossible to encounter Jesus and not be changed
Neil Dawson, David McBride • Our past is not what we leave behind, but what we carry.
Neil Dawson • Now that you’ve been trustworthy in a small matter you’re going to take charge of cities.
Neil Dawson • A challenge to the meaning of the phrase, "Eternal Life"
Advent 2019 Day 7
Active waiting is waiting that pays attention.
Neil Dawson • Why are there so many parables about money?
Neil Dawson • Upon the Resurrection of Christ there were going to be a mix of responses.
Neil Dawson • As we forgive others…
When Jesus demonstrates that with being a king and a servant, he's our friend.
Neil Dawson • We give him glory by laying our lives down