Productivity vs Fruitfulness
Amy Anderson • Fruitfulness is not about what we do but who we are and who He is.
Amy Anderson • Fruitfulness is not about what we do but who we are and who He is.
Neil Dawson • When we pose the darkest questions it can become the most profound acts of faith.
Neil Dawson • Have we lost our sense of wonder in God?
Neil Dawson • We cannot be the "salt of the earth" if we separate ourselves from the decay.
Neil Dawson • The scriptures can be used to make a point, or even condemn. But they always point to Jesus.
Compassion is like the seasoning that brings our words to life, making them meaningful and full of impact.
Lila Gribben • How is God calling you to reach others?
Peace inspires action, care, resilience and reconciliation.
Neville Garland • Doing what you believe is truly right without knowing what the outcome truly is.
Though fear may lock us away, Jesus calls us to live boldly.
Neil Dawson • Even the greatest of minds are altered by Christ.
Neil Dawson • The Father consistently displays kindness, even when we do not.
Neil Dawson • Jesus' resurrection makes beautiful things out of dirt.
Jesus uses the vine to show how he lifts us up, prunes us for growth, and calls us to love and be interconnected as his followers.
Sermon Series
Exploring the Sermon on the Mount. How Jesus changed minds and hearts.
Ronnie Dawson • Three stories of faith and the Kingdom at work.