Seat of Service
Lila Gribben • How is God calling you to reach others?
Lila Gribben • How is God calling you to reach others?
Peace inspires action, care, resilience and reconciliation.
God shows quiet affection for his Creation before breaking into a song of delight over it.
Amy Anderson • When God seems quiet, he has already given us his word where he has spoken.
Neil Dawson • Stewarding our time well
Neil Dawson • Our incarnational understanding of God's mission.
Neville Garland • Doing what you believe is truly right without knowing what the outcome truly is.
Neil Dawson • If you've run out of energy, or courage, listen to the prophet's words.
David McBride • The god you serve is reflected in how you speak.
Neville Garland • 1/2 • Parallels between Esther and the Church.
Neville Garland • 2/2 • Parallels between Esther and the Church.
Neil Dawson • The Father consistently displays kindness, even when we do not.
Neville Garland • When we learn to live with God on the hillside, we see and act differently on the battlefield.
David McBride • Saul never pursued the presence of God. And for a whole generation no one encountered Him.
Ronnie Dawson • Three stories of faith and the Kingdom at work.
Neil Dawson • We often get wrong how we should approach people outside of the church