Easter 2023
What's happening this Easter at GCC?
What's happening this Easter at GCC?
Easter Week
The grave is empty. Could it be...?
Neil Dawson • Upon the Resurrection of Christ there were going to be a mix of responses.
Neil Dawson • We give him glory by laying our lives down
Easter Week
The time for Jesus' execution has arrived.
Have we missed the point of Jesus' "lost" parables?
Jesus' meeting with Samaritan woman reveals his heart for those who have had their humanity stripped away.
Lila Gribben • Friday
Jesus is freed from his grave clothes and is mistaken for a gardener.
Easter Week
The cursing of the Fig Tree and exposing corruption in the Temple.
Easter Week
Confusion and fear among the disciples.
Easter Week
Jesus becomes an enemy of the religious elite and delivers the Olivet Discourse
David McBride • The Good Samaritan
Jesse Lampe • Wednesday
What's happening this Easter at GCC?
Should have been. Could have been. Might have been…