A Blessing for One Who is Exhausted
Be excessively gentle with yourself.
Be excessively gentle with yourself.
We declare we are a church on the move. We are moving forward, looking up and out.
David McBride • Repentance: it’s one of those words that scares and confuses
Lucy Hill • How many times do I ignore something because it doesn’t meet my standard?
Adapted from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.
Hope is the place where God makes all things right.
Advent Week 1: Mary's Song is one of deep faith in a God who sees her where she is.
Join us for a weekly fast this Lenten season.
Neil Dawson • When Paul describes love, the first attribute he lists is “patience”.
Is it possible to pray effectively for one hour? This guide helps you do that.
Neil Dawson • "Cast all your cares upon the Lord"
David McBride • It takes wisdom and humility to ask for help.
Neil Dawson • Could our lives look any different if we were more grateful?
Ready in under an hour
Understanding the role of prayer in ushering in God's transformative work and responding to His call for bold faith.