Prayers for the NHS
Prayer focus on those in and working for our health service during lockdown.
Busyness is killing me
In these days of lockdown, many things have been looking more clear before my eyes.
John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer
I am no longer my own, but yours.
Palms Up, Palms Down
Pete Greig • Prayer Tool (Petition)
Prayer Course
How to maintain a Prayer List
Pete Greig • Prayer Tool (Petition)
Prayer Course
How to pray the Promises of God
Pete Greig • Prayer Tool (Petition)
Our love for God is revealed in how we love each other.
Jesus is our greatest missional example.
Our desire is to prioritise his presence.
Advent 2019 Day 23
An infant, born in time and space, small and weak.
Advent 2019 Day 22
Christmas music helps to shape in us expectation.
Being a church of misfits
There are so many people that don’t come to church because they have a belief that they won’t fit with them lot. Why is that?