Prayers for Foster Carers
This is Foster Carer Fortnight, so this is where we are focusing this week's prayers.
Prayers for Local Churches
Prayers for the leadership and the mission of local congregations.
7: Service
Outward • Do we serve with humility or the hope that we will be recognised?
Prayers for Vulnerable People
How we can pray for those most affected.
Prayers for People Who Help People
Counsellors, support workers, food banks and more…
6: Simplicity
Outward • We're surrounded by stuff that distracts us.
Prayer Colours
Your kids can enjoy a Day of Prayer too!
Prayers for Business
Companies, big and small, are facing uncertain times.
Prayer People
Your kids can enjoy a Day of Prayer too!
Prayers for Education
Prayer requests from local teachers.
Prayer Acrostic
Activity for your kids
A Prayer for Richhill
A blessing over our village.