Part of SIMPLE: values that define our church.
Ultimately we love that the Scriptures point us to Jesus.
Part of SIMPLE: values that define our church.
Ultimately we love that the Scriptures point us to Jesus.
John 5:39 says, “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!”
Neil Dawson • The scriptures can be used to make a point, or even condemn. But they always point to Jesus.
Amy Anderson • Destroying the dividing wall of hostility.
Neil Dawson • Resurrection defines the life of Jesus
David McBride • A church can have everything, and still forsake its first love.
Neil Dawson • The opening to the letter to the Ephesians is dripping with wonder.
Neil Dawson • An introduction to our new series on Ephesians
Neil Dawson • Even the greatest of minds are altered by Christ.
Neil Dawson • Remember your journey. Consider what God has done through you.
With Nicky Gumbel (Alpha)
The Disciples, the Apostles, the Twelve.