Part of SIMPLE: values that define our church.
Ultimately we love that the Scriptures point us to Jesus.
Part of SIMPLE: values that define our church.
Ultimately we love that the Scriptures point us to Jesus.
John 5:39 says, “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!”
Neil Dawson • The scriptures can be used to make a point, or even condemn. But they always point to Jesus.
Neil Dawson • We are the bearers of Jesus's light in this world.
David McBride • What does a renewed and restored life look like?
Neil Dawson • We cannot be the "salt of the earth" if we separate ourselves from the decay.
Neil Dawson • Being in a place where you are at odds with the vast majority.
Neil Dawson • The way of peacemaking is incredibly costly.
Neil Dawson / David McBride • The singleminded-ness for God.
Neil Dawson • Are we too focused on judgement and being right?
Neil Dawson • Creation is in pain. But, there is a promise for those who want to see it put right.
The Disciples, the Apostles, the Twelve.