Part of SIMPLE: values that define our church.
Ultimately we love that the Scriptures point us to Jesus.
Part of SIMPLE: values that define our church.
Ultimately we love that the Scriptures point us to Jesus.
John 5:39 says, “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!”
Neil Dawson • The scriptures can be used to make a point, or even condemn. But they always point to Jesus.
Ronnie Dawson • Three stories of faith and the Kingdom at work.
Neil Dawson • Judgement isolates people and puts them to shame
David McBride • The Good Samaritan
Neil Dawson • Jesus and the woman at the well
Javier Chaviel • What do we carry into the places we go?
Neil Dawson • Paul saw love as greater than the Gifts of the Spirit
David McBride • The god you serve is reflected in how you speak.
Amy Anderson • Fruitfulness is not about what we do but who we are and who He is.
The Disciples, the Apostles, the Twelve.