Promise Breaker. Promise Keeper.
Like Jonah, our response to God's calling is often met with resistance.
Like Jonah, our response to God's calling is often met with resistance.
Donna Jennings • How faith can help us see possibilities for ourselves, families and communities.
Neil Dawson • An introduction to a short series of videos.
Neil Dawson • When we pose the darkest questions it can become the most profound acts of faith.
Neil Dawson • Have we lost our sense of wonder in God?
It's never too late to start a Reading Plan.
Brian Zahnd • "It’s a STORY We’re telling news here Keeping alive an ancient epic…"
Neil Dawson • In our world of plenty, it’s easy to take all the good things we have for granted.
Neville Garland • Jesus: How being “in him” is our strength.
Neil Dawson • God's plan from the beginning was to dwell with his people.
Neil Dawson • Fasting is not about rending your garments, it’s about your heart.
Neil Dawson • A battle. But not against flesh and blood.
Jaci • Neil • Confession is an essential ingredient in how broken relationships heal.
The need to stop every seven days is written into our DNA.
Advent 2019 Day 22
Christmas music helps to shape in us expectation.
Neil Dawson • We cannot be the "salt of the earth" if we separate ourselves from the decay.